
Showing 1-9 of 41 results


Remote or On-site? The Real Cost of Office Space for a Venture-backed Startup

For funder-backed startups, brick-and-mortar offices cost more than just money–they dilute founder equity.

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Tough Times Don’t Have to Mean Tough Terms: Leveraging Financial and Cap Table Modeling in VC Negotiations

When capital is scarce, VCs may tighten their terms to reduce their risk. Here’s how to think through three of the most common preferred terms to ensure you don’t give away too much of your company.

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Asia is one of the hottest venture markets in the world right now. Find out what savvy investors must understand about this culturally and economically diverse region in order to succeed.

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Communicating With Investors: Best Practices for Startups

Investors aren’t patrons—they’re business partners, and startups should treat them as such. Regular updates and the occasional call for advice go a long way toward optimizing the relationship.

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Christopher Holloway

Christopher Holloway

Tell a Compelling Story: Pitch Deck Components That Persuade

To persuade investors to fund your startup, your pitch deck must do more than present a solid business case. It must generate an emotional response.

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The Evolution of Venture Capital: Investing in Global Talent

By adopting a global talent acquisition strategy, venture capital not only extends the opportunities of entrepreneurship across the world, it helps startups reduce churn and break even faster.

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Five Steps to Success: A Private Equity Fundraising Checklist

Raising money as a new private equity fund manager can be a daunting task. Breaking down the tasks into a checklist is an effective way of building a compelling and consistent investment strategy.

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Frank Elvinger

Frank Elvinger

The Art of the Fundraising Pitch Deck

The flow of a fundraising pitch deck is vital for striking a chord with investors and clearly displaying the narrative of the business. Going through a successful pitch deck slide by slide is one of the most effective ways to learn how to build a flow.

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Brendan Fitzgerald

Brendan Fitzgerald

Education has rapidly evolved away from the red-brick schoolhouse model. 大约7美元.0 billion was invested globally by VC funds into the edtech market in 2019. This is expected to grow 3x over the next decade. Where is the money going? What characteristics do new competitors need to be sustainable?

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Steven Southwick

Steven Southwick

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